• iPhoneography Tips

    There are phases I go back and forth with in my photography such as mobile-only for awhile or a professional camera. This article will discuss my continuing fascination with iPhoneography and tips on how to make it better. iPhone Camera app interface Clean the lens…

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  • Now What?

    I am a mixture of both casual and intentional photographer. Sometimes, the images come to me in a zen-like manner. I wait, listen and feel for them. Other times, I shoot deliberation and determination. I purposefully plan and will them into reality. I also take…

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  • Digital > Analog

    I am on a hiatus with analog film photography for now. The price of film, developing, scanning is getting out of control and is not sustainable for me right now. I love the results but damn. Going all-digital for a while.

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  • Back To Flickr

    I was a charter member of the photo hosting site, Flickr since it’s inception back in 2005. Since then it has been a shit-show roller coaster and grew stagnant. It’s been sold more than a few times and then again to a more stable photo…

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  • Adventure Lab- Tulsa Street Art

    From the creators of Geocaching.com comes a fairly new way to use GPS coordinates to find different locations and learn about them. I just published an Adventure that highlights some street murals in Tulsa. AL is a free download and free to play. You can…

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  • August 2022 Geocache Finds (so far)

    What a month!

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  • Public Phone

    As opposed to griping about people on their phones, it may be best to make use of my own iPhone and discover some of those benefits. Some use cases that works for me: Blog and write with the phone I use iA Writer on all…

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  • Not Really Living

    I can’t stand it to think my life is going so fast and I’m not really living it. Ernest Hemingway Houston Metro Lightrail circa 2016

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  • Photo Workflow

    My current creative workflow is simple, on purpose. I’d rather be out there shooting than processing or organizing. I don’t have the time or desire to go out for that one shot that will make me famous. I want to create a body of work.…

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  • Map Quest Pt 3

    Over 260 images cataloged on a map with GPS coordinates and waypoints. According to my Lightroom software, I only have a little more than 200 to add. Then I’ll start a new map for geocaches I’ve logged followed by another map highlighting all of the…

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  • Lomo Turquoise Emulation

    Last year, Lomography teased the photo film community with images hinting that they were bringing back the Turquoise film. Development has been ongoing and is scheduled to release fall of this year, 2022. Pre-orders sold out and more have been pushed back until November. I…

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  • Why Ask Why

    “Do you ever know what the birds are singing? You don’t. But you listen to them anyway.” Pablo Picasso Picasso, when asked what his paintings meant. Sometimes we create for the sake of creating and seeing what happens. There are times where I go out…

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