• Cropping My Photo Gear

    Just how good is the iPhone as a camera? Good enough for someone like me, a photographer for over three decades, want to sell off almost all of his gear. It is that good. I just sold off the mirrorless Sony A7 and am looking…

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  • Goodbye Adobe

    After decades of relying on Adobe photography software to host, edit and organize my archive, it is time to say goodbye. Photoshop and Lightroom are second to none with one exception- a subscription. With all the competition out there in this space, I can no…

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  • Mylio Photo Organizer

    How the hell did this software program help organize thirty years of my photography archives in under an hour? Download, install and sign up for the 30-day free trial. And we’re off! Import From External Drives I plugged in my 10TB external hard drive and…

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  • iPhonetography

    Coming to your e-reader in the Spring of 2023

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  • Flickr

    Yes, I have re-upped my Flickr subscription. Time to fill up on that unlimited photos now.

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  • IPhonetography Tips

    There are phases I go back and forth with in my photography such as mobile-only for awhile or a professional camera. This article will discuss my continuing fascination with iPhoneography and tips on ho to make it better.Clean the lens on your iPhoneOur iPhones get…

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  • Backlogged Photos

    Time to make the opportunity to review my backlogged photos, and a new opportunity for me to make new photos.

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  • Photo Curation

    Not photo “editing”, instead, photo culling and photo curation. The art of choosing the photos you care for, the art of image selection. If I shot a thousand photos, which few photos will I select that I want to hold on to? Now that I…

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  • Photographic Progress

    The frustration and anxiety caused by obsessing over what makes a “good” photograph is what prevents the majority of we photographers from evolving creatively.I am learning that the quicker I can focus on a subject matter or a theme, the quicker I can progress.

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  • Digital Over Film Photography

    I am on a hiatus with analog film photography for now. The price of film, developing, scanning is getting out of control and is not sustainable for me right now.I love the results but damn. Going all-digital for a while.

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  • On Photography

    There is no getting away from my love of photography and cameras. My favorite thing in the world is going somewhere, anywhere, and just wondering around pointing my lens at things. The simple act of doing so is like mediation to me, and nothing thing…

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  • Photo Archive & Curation

    2023 is the year I finally go RAID (redundant array of independent disks). After that, a dedicated photo file server. Then organize images with tags, keywords, geotags, faces. Easily searchable. Convert to the Digital Negative format and use as backup One Lightroom catalog per yearly…

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