• 36 Exposures

    Woke up this morning for a photo walk around SoBo before the heat kicked in and grabbed 36 exposures. Felt good to get out and shoot something for myself. It’s been too long. Now I am waiting on the prints to be developed. Click the…

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  • iPhone vs Camera

    The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of ditching all but one of my cameras and just use the camera built in to my iPhone. Why? An iPhone can untether the photographer because you have a full stack setup of…

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  • VSCO > Adobe

    I toggle on/off the urge to use Adobe Lightoom as a catalog library and photo editor for the past 16 years. I paid one price for it back in 2007 and then they went to a subscription-based plan a couple of years back. I moaned,…

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  • ART::ificial

    In lieu of having enough time to go out and photograph something (anything!), I’ve been generating synthographs. Synthography is a method of generating digital media synthetically using machine learning. This is distinct from other graphic creation and editing methods in that synthography uses artifical intelligence…

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  • Synthography

    The new all-in-one website/mood board I built dedicated to my generative AI art creation and curation.

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  • I’ve Lost My Photo Mojo

    Once upon a time, there was a camera in my hand every weekend off to explore and shoot. The camera was my passport and I went everywhere with it, including dangerous places I wasn’t “supposed” to go. I’ve noticed in the past year, however, that…

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  • Stolen Moments

    A camera offers gentle reminders to slow down and enjoy life’s simple moments as they happen. After a while you start to notice the little things, something I would’ve overlooked had I not taken up photography. A walk through the early fog

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  • I Am An Imbecile

    “Photography is a marvelous discovery, a science that has attracted the greatest intellects, and art that excites the most astute minds—and one that can be practiced by any imbecile.” — Nadar (1910)

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  • Why Photography?

    A question posed to me recently: What is the purpose in you taking photos? How are you going to use them? Your turn to ask and answer.

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  • Photo Film Is Expensive

    With Kodak raising (again), the price of their film stock, it doesn’t make sense to use recreationally anymore. Over the years, I have developed presets inside of Adobe Lightroom to apply to my images. These presets convert a digital image I’ve captured into a film…

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  • HipSquares

    Spaces | HipSquares Images taken by a Hipstamatic VSCO® A little photo experiment with the Hipstamatic.

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  • Discovery

    You can learn the basics of any camera over a weekend. But it can take decades, maybe even a lifetime, to fully discover photography.

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