• Just Do It

    “We learn by doing.” This is the way you master your hobby, by getting on and doing it. Learn, practice, re-learn and practice some more. This goes for writing, sketching, photography, painting, or everything else. You don’t get good without practice, keep your head down…

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  • Beginner’s Mind

    “It often happens that two students can solve difficulties in their work for one another better than the master can. The fellow-pupil can help because he knows less. The difficulty we want him to explain is one he has recently met. The expert met it…

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  • Exploring Creativity

    What does it mean to be an explorer of art? To reach out and investigate out of curiosity. Right now I am curious about analog art, that which is done by hand and not digitally like I have been doing for the past twenty years.…

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  • Analog Art

    Just picked up a couple of art supplies to start creating in analog as opposed to digital all the time. I have this need for a tactile experience. I am lousy and impatient but somehow feel the need to experience this. Oh, and the smell…

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  • Art 1

    Here are a few masterpieces of art I enjoyed while visiting the Art Institute of Chicago recently. As evidenced in my photo portraiture, I have a love for faces. We find portraits fascinating because we are fascinated by people like ourselves. We’re also fascinated by…

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  • Khmer Empire Antiquities

    Because I am still researching my novel based on the Khmer empire in Cambodia, I had hoped to discover some relics or art from this period and the Art Institute of Chicago did not disappoint. What was disappointing were the descriptions of the artifacts. Which…

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  • The Rift

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  • untitled

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  • Stifled

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  • Lost In Space

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  • My revenge will be artistic, not personal

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