• A Non-Expert Guide To Writing

    Three important lessons for people who are inspiring writers and have never done this before: Get a unique story idea. Plot it out. Research and study the hell out of your topic and genre. A fourth lesson would be to stop focusing on all of…

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  • iA Writer

    After several free trials, beta tests and tribulations I have chosen iA Writer as my tool to help me create stories I want to tell (not calling myself a writer or author yet). The software for me had to pass several standards such as: Cross-platform…

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  • iA Writer

    After several free trials, beta tests and tribulations of desktop writing software I have finally decided on my tool of choice. iA Writer helps me take notes and create the stories I want to tell (not calling myself a writer or author yet). The criteria…

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  • Noted

    “Five hundred years later, Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebooks are around to astonish and inspire us. Fifty years from now, our own notebooks, if we work up the initiative to start writing them, will be around to astonish and inspire out grandchildren, unlike our tweets and…

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  • Tools

    Attempts at putting ten year old thoughts and plots into a novel is frustrating. Finding the right/write tools even more so. They matter and then they don’t.

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  • Coding Misadventures

    Or another working title: what a tangled web I weave. Delving back into coding but this time with some basics like javascript (finally).

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  • Call Me Ishmael

    Researching the three main tent poles to a story that’s been in my head for about a decade. Historical adventure/mystery, the science behind the story, and an exotic location. My brain hurts and I need sleep but don’t want to lose momentum. Bring snacks and…

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