Print Error

I attempted to print a few pages from the Archives .pdf last night at the library. It would not accept the 485MB file. I didn’t want to print all of it but the printer didn’t give me a chance to tell it which pages to print. Need a better solution.


Recently, a review for the constellation of Orion’s Belt only gets three stars. Another review says it is a “waist” of space.

Siri told me this joke early this morning and what was the very first constellation I see immediately after? You guessed it. Had to grab a shot of course.

I wonder what the universe is trying to tell me today? Is it written in the stars?


Want to find obscure articles and even unabridged books online? Type your book in the search bar and add .pdf to end of that.


What am I doing? Why did I start an online course when my brain is already overwhelmed with these other self-inflicted endeavors?

Fortunately our brains have the ability to change, grow and reorganize its neuron pathways to make new connections and remap from how it previously functioned.

Does this explain why my head hurts right now?


Call me old fashioned, but forward thinking as well; a physical book purchase should include a DRM-free digital copy as well. It costs the publishers next to nothing.

iOS 18

The beta version of the newest iPhone operating system has been installed on the iPhone 15 Pro Max. There is a lot of new features to unpack but for now, the custom icon tinting is my favorite. I love a uniform screen.


Do bursts of mental energy and inspiration come to me as I am ready for bed? Oh look, another rabbit hole to go down!