• 2022 Photography Goals

    2022 has arrived, and I have some ideas for my photography for the new year. Photographers are constantly looking for what’s new to shoot, new gear and new challenges for ourselves. So here goes. Shoot with iPhone Less Yes, it is the camera/phone I will…

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  • Digital Photo Contact Sheet

    Ever notice how the Photos app resembles a film negative contact sheet? I am amazed with the viewing experience from the iPad/iPhone/Mac and all the information that is built into it. My workflow is simple: Take images with the iPhone, let them sync to the…

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  • Neon Nights NFT Collection

    My first foray into NFT and cryptocurrency trading has begun. I have just minted two digital images for sale on the OpenSea market for .25 ETH coin. This translates to a lot of USD$ for only two images. Will they go to an earnest collector/curator?…

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  • Travel Photography Tips 

    Like everyone else, I am tired of this damned pandemic and want to experience a different reality. So, I’ve masked up, received a vaccination and started booking flights. Where to? Migratory birds and pensioners have it right, so I suggest going south for the winter.…

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  • Constraints

    Lately I’ve been frustrated with the lack of shooting opportunities in small town USA. By comparison, larger urban cities are target rich for photo shooters. I’ve spent two hours on two Sundays and walked away with maybe 10 images on the new camera. Maybe I…

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  • Photo Denbow Redesign v. 55

    Because I am never satisfied with the way my online portfolio looks, a new coat of paint has been added. Also added is the new download page where that one person (thanks, mom!) can download and read my photography zines.

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  • Artistic Investments

    We’ve been taught that it is wise to invest in your future, so you should save and retire comfortably. So, you save and invest in hopes of a nice return on your investment. Now that you’ve saved and invested, what happens? Wait and die without…

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  • My First NFT is Now LIVE!

    Finally I have minted my first NFT (non-fungible token) titled Neon Nights at Buck Atoms Cosmic Curios on Route 66. Hopefully it will generate enough interest where someone, a curator, will purchase it with the cryptocurrency known as Ethereum. I don’t have lofty expectations, but…

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  • New Download Page!

    I am proud to finally offer digital downloads for the first time ever. You’ll find a dedicated space for my digital photo zines and wallpapers. These files are free to download, enjoy and hopefully share. Let me know what you think.

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  • Sonya

    Meet Sonya, the Alpha 7 mirrorless camera system from Sony. I managed to grab her, an extra battery, charger, two 128GB memory cards and a Lacie all-terrain mobile 1TB hard drive. Now I need to think about a new photography work flow.

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  • Photographic Memories

    After organizing decades and terabytes worth of images recently, I realized that I rarely take time to appreciate these images. I have thousands of images of my daughter, but I never look at them. They are stored in the dark, collecting digital dust. I want…

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