• Photography Slump

    This pandemic is killing my desire to create, especially with my photography. There is still a desire and capability but the people and subjects I want to work with just aren’t available at the moment. Portraits require people and people right now are hesitant out…

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  • DAM It

    The photo organization goals (Digital Asset Management) just took a setback as I rediscovered zipped files from Google Photos’ Takeout service. When I closed my Google accounts I had the option of retrieving all of my photos from the past 10 years that have been…

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  • iPhone 12 Pro

    This is the first year I purchased the newest iPhone on launch day since I converted to iPhone over Android six years ago. It was a thrill to open that box and see the premium stainless steel, glass back, the ceramic shield screen and that…

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  • Polaroid vs Instax

    With the desire to embrace analog photography, I have also explored instant film too. I grabbed my old Polaroid 600 and expired film for some less than pleasing results such as low contrast and faded colors. This is understood and acceptable even the film expired…

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  • Minimalist Photography

    For awhile now, I have been playing with the idea of minimalist images. This means sticking with the black and white, monochrome images but using less to compose an image with. An old friend named Brandon helped create a unique emulation of the old Kodak…

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  • Progress

    Click the link to read up on the DAM progress

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  • Post-Processing The Past

    A year ago, it feels like eternity now, I visited California again; this time through Route 66. I took this photograph in Joshua Tree. I never really got around to processing those images except for a few. Like most of my images they’re stuck in…

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  • No Sense

    “The world today doesn’t make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?” – Pablo Picasso I like this idea and maybe need to rethink some of my photography.

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  • iPhoneography

    I just got back from a quick road trip and took almost all my camera gear in one backpack. It was fun but exhausting. The simplicity of the iPhone camera brings back the same happiness and exploration that made me love photography. I rediscovered the…

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  • Ramble On

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  • Look Out

    The window that is

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  • Nutty Buddies

    While working from the home office I’ve had the chance to shoot squirrels. They were just as curious about me as I was of them.

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