• Another reason why I keep a web log: to help my future self.

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  • Analysis Paralysis

    Researching, curating, and storing information has become my excuse for not doing anything productive. It’s easier to learn than apply.

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  • The Web Log

    The site ChrisDenbow.com has been published in several iterations over the past twenty years. The domain name has been changed a few times in failed attempts to “rebrand” briefly but the heart and soul has remained true. Twenty years. Social media (web 2.0), in its…

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  • Migration

    After some frustrating technical issues with software, I have decided to transfer from a self-hosted server website to being fully hosted and supported by the WordPress platform. I have exported all previous posts from old server and imported to the new server beautifully. Now I…

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  • Write better by living better

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  • I won’t be buying books or software anymore until I implement all information I’ve hoarded

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  • I love/hate finding bits of wisdom before I am supposed go to sleep.

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  • 9/9 Check-In

    On 2/2 I began my year-long journey to create life long habits for myself and throw in some fun intentions as well. The plan is to check in every month to monitor my progress. How did I do since my last check-in on 8/8? Nutrition…

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  • Disappointment

    Once again I have logged off from the work machine here in my home. After taking a break, and eat some dinner, I sit back down in the same chair that I have been parked at for nine hours earlier in that day. But all…

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  • Reminders

    Read everyday Spend time with nature. Ask questions Never stop learning Don’t pay attention to what others think of you Do what interests you the most Study hard Teach others what you know Make mistakes and learn It’s okay to not know everything

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  • 8/8 Check-In

    On 2/2 I began my year-long journey to create life long habits for myself and throw in some fun intentions as well. The plan is to check in every month to monitor my progress. How did I do since my last check-in on 7/7? Nutrition…

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  • Meditation Alternatives

    “You need not meditate; just close your eyes and sleep or think about one of your fun moments in life.” Is there an alternative for meditation besides sitting on a zafu, legs crossed and chanting “om?” Yes, there is. Staring through the window One of…

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