• Unsubscribe

    A recent post from another blogger has me thinking: “How much am I paying for subscription services? Do I even know all the services I am paying and agreeing to on a monthly or yearly basis? How much money can I save if I take…

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  • 1/3/22

    First day back to work after the long weekend/new year. Mondays are always the worst but add all that up, plus onboarding and training two new hires remotely and I’m beat. Day three of the keto diet and am experiencing the keto flu with a…

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  • On Blogging

    After twenty years of putting my thoughts online, I still feel like I don’t know what I am doing. Occasionally, it even feels like imposter syndrome, like I don’t belong. But then I think, “Who am I writing for?” Easy answer is myself and sometimes…

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  • Peak Minimalism

    I am so close to my minimalistic and materialistic goals that I need to start thinking of what more I can do with the freedom from clutter. So, I’ll focus on the basics of what keeps me going: photography, writing, journaling, geocaching, walking, fitness, nutrition,…

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  • 2022 Photography Goals

    2022 has arrived, and I have some ideas for my photography for the new year. Photographers are constantly looking for what’s new to shoot, new gear and new challenges for ourselves. So here goes. Shoot with iPhone Less Yes, it is the camera/phone I will…

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  • Changing My Attitude

    Is it possible to be happy where you feel like you are stuck? Regardless of where we are, I do believe it is possible to be happy. Personally, I am bitter towards living in a small city that is land-locked and in a flyover state…

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  • 12:00 am

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  • Micro Denbow [.info]

    I’ve been self-hosting on WordPress for almost 15 years, then switched to WP hosted. I am now experimenting with microblogging and the new-to-me web host called Micro.blog. The immediate goal for me is to have a repository for all short form posts (280 words or…

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  • Choose Your Own Adventure

    2020 was a dumpster fire of a year thanks to the pandemic. 2021 for me, saw great improvements all around. 2022 will capitalize on those improvements and be an even better year because I choose this. I’ll outline the goals for 2022 soon.

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  • Field Notes

    Just received the first installment for the Field Notes notebook subscription. The “Ignition” edition, FNC-53, contains two 26-week planners a checklist journal (2), three stainless steel book darts, pen and a 2022 calendar. I sincerely hope that this will help “ignite” a passion for documenting…

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  • Time Travel Trip

    It was time for MissAdventure to upgrade her Apple Watch but the Apple store was out of stock in our city so of course we took a road trip to the OKC Apple store. Shenanigans, geocaching and urban exploration occurred as well of course.

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  • Journaling

    Almost one year since I have last utilized this journal app called Day One properly. My plan for 2022 is to journal daily. I want to track fitness goals, blood pressure, nutrition and random thoughts as well. Hopefully by purchasing a premium subscription I will…

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