• Reboot

    I’ve reformatted my life this past year and I want to start with a fresh install. I want the right applications and tools I need to keep this machine running smoothly. I need and demand performance right now. My mental bandwidth is really receptive as…

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  • My Pa!

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  • My Day

    First of all, I would like to thank my WonderWife and Daphne for making this possible. I would not be a father if it were not for them. Jenny & I went almost twelve years together without a child and I cannot tell you how…

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  • What’s Going On?

    I’ve signed up for a new gig with crazy hours and a long commute. I have been neglecting my social media for awhile & that includes writing here. I’ve also spent a lot of spare time developing my photography business and reading for personal growth.…

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  • Photo Friday 06.05.09

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  • Know & Tell 06.03.09

    Every week I submit my Delicious bookmarks and links to articles of interest. I hope they are beneficial to you as well. 12 Breeds of Client and How to Work with Them – FreelanceSwitch – The Freelance Blog +THE END IS NOT NEAR | x=blog+stay+informed…

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  • In Remembrance…

    Regardless of your position on war and the military, you have the freedom to express it. This is only possible through the service and sacrifice of the U.S. military throughout our history. Please take a moment today and think about that. Memorial Day is more…

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  • Can You Hear Me Now?

    I love micro blogging (Twitter) and instant messaging but sometimes conversations need to be had with voice and video to put into context what is being communicated. Let me share these tools with you so we can communicate just a wee bit better. Skype- If…

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  • Know & Tell 05.21.09

    Every week I submit my Delicious bookmarks and links to articles of interest. I hope they are beneficial to you as well. The Monster Collection Of Moleskine Tips, Tricks & Hacks Black and White Conversion: The Best Ways to Turn Color Digital Photos Into Beautiful…

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  • Enhance Your Calm

    Mellow greetings! It has been exactly one year ago today that I found out I was being laid off from a good job in Birmingham. A lot has changed since then including putting the house up for sale, moving out of Alabama and into Texas…

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  • Fire Ant Brain Eaters & Zombies

    Mad scientists from the University of Texas are experimenting with fire ant-brain-eating flies to help control the fire ant infestation here. Phorid flies attack and inject their larvae inside the ant’s head. The larvae then feed on the ant’s brains, which cause their heads to…

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  • Know & Tell 05.13.09

    Every week I submit my Delicious bookmarks and links to articles of interest. I hope they are beneficial to you as well. 10 Websites To Help You Find The Best iPhone Apps 10 Social Bookmarking Websites for Non-Stop Visuals The Book Cover Archive On Location…

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