• Stress Management & The Art Of Relaxation

    I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great…

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  • The Art of Relaxation

    I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for…

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  • Know & Tell 12.02.09

    Every week I share links of interest in hopes you & I learn something new. Are you on Delicious too? Add me to the social bookmarking site here: http://delicious.com/denbow Stop taking pictures, start creating images The business of doing business Best practices for photographing children…

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  • Take Advantage Of Opportunity

    Smart people plan ahead for whatever economic issues are going on. In times of plenty and poverty we should always be thinking of opportunities to generate more income. I am not talking about get rich quick schemes or programs to help you live the life…

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  • Candy Land

    Candy Land, originally uploaded by Photo Denbow.

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  • Wasted

    I cannot tell you how much time and energy have been wasted on things that do not matter. I can tell you that this will change starting now. I am tired of missing opportunities because I haven’t been prepared. Details to come as soon as…

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  • Wasted

    I cannot tell you how much time and energy have been wasted on things that do not matter. I can tell you that this will change starting now. I am tired of missing opportunities because I haven’t been prepared. Details to come as soon as…

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  • More Decades Of Crap

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  • Homeless

    I’ve got a roof over my head. My family is healthy and beautiful. I have so much to be thankful for. What I mean by homeless is that I feel like I’ve lost my way these past few years. Spiritually I am homeless as well…

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  • Homeless

    I’ve got a roof over my head. My family is healthy and beautiful. I have so much to be thankful for. What I mean by homeless is that I feel like I’ve lost my way these past few years. Spiritually I am homeless as well…

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  • Pill Pushing

    The cold weather season is not as acute down here in Houston as it could be everywhere else in the U.S. but that doesn’t mean I will slack off in the preventive maintenance department. I’m stored up on my stash of supplements for the winter…

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  • You Will Get Wet On This Ride (Google Wave)

    I’ve mentioned Google’s newest communication tool, Google Wave here before and wanted to elaborate on it a bit more. Now that the initial thrill of waving has passed for me, it is time to start thinking of practical uses for it. For tips on how…

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