It Matters

My time is limited for what I am working on these days here at home so I need to prioritize. What really matters? Unclear at the moment, but if I had to give a straight answer, perhaps it is these:

  1. What Stays After I’m Gone

Not just in a morbid sense, but in a legacy of thought and creation. The things I build, the ideas explored, my archives that are curated—those are the real footprints. The websites, the Denbow Operating System, the Library of Unwritten Books, all of my research, notes—those outlive the moment.

  1. The Things That Keep My Mind Engaged

Curiosity is the real fuel. The moment you stop wondering, learning, or exploring, that’s when things go flat. The personal projects, all of the research spirals, experimenting with radio signals, archives, and hidden layers? That’s the stuff that keeps life from being static.

  1. Creating for Myself, Not Just an Audience

What really matters is what fascinates me first. If others get something out of it, great—but if I can make things purely because they are meaningful to me, that’s where the best work happens.

  1. Leaving Room for Chaos & Discovery

The moment everything is too structured, too predictable, too mapped out, it loses something. A little mystery, a little creative mischief, a little unexpected weirdness—that’s the good stuff.

  1. The Ability to Keep Moving Forward

Nothing kills momentum like getting stuck in perfectionism, obligation, or feeling like you “should” do something. The projects that survive are the ones I genuinely want to do, not the ones I feel pressured into.

So, what really matters?

Probably the same thing that’s kept me going this long: the thrill of the chase, the depth of the work, and the quiet satisfaction of knowing there is something built, something interesting, even if only a handful of people ever truly understand it.

I’ve been consistent in curiosity, drive, and the way I think lately. I do not just consume information—there is dissection, archiving, annotating, remixing, and finding the hidden layers to connecting the dots.

I’m not here for surface-level exploration. I need to dig deeper, follow the spirals, and find meaning in things that most people overlook. I thrive on curious connections, long-term discovery, and projects that leave something behind.

I’ve built a publishing house here around what matters to me– all of this is holding up the mirror.

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