
The tools used to create my photography has been minimized, cropped. Since Adobe is no longer a part of my workflow, I am all-in for the Apple products. Before, Apple Photos was just a catch-all and now it is organized. The tools inside have come a long way to industry standard and I wonder what took them so long. I wonder what took me so long to realize that Photos and Adobe Lightroom are very similar. Of course, the monthly subscription to Adobe had to go in favor of software built right into my devices.

This isn’t a big deal to most people, but coming from a guy who loved photo gear and software this is a revelation. In fact, I have reduced my main camera to the very capable iPhone. Paired with Photos, and my minimalistic goals have been met.

Apple Photos on the MacBook looks amazing and those image controls!
Fine. I did hang on to Pixelmator Pro on the MacBook. But it was paid for and not a subscription.

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