EOM Checklist

In an effort to maintain and preserve decades worth of text and images to the Archives, I have set up a checklist for monthly backup procedures. 


  1. This website’s .xml files are exported each month
  2. Each month’s posts are collected from the Denbow Operating System then sent to print to .pdf
  3. Each month’s posts are physically printed out and stored into a three-ring binder.
  4. Each month’s posts are sent to the e.pub format and then sent to Kindle/Apple Books to be read there.
  5. Then transferred to an external hard drive in the Archives section  under the  2024-10 folder
Hello, handsome.


  1. Each month’s photos are filtered, tagged, facial-tagged, geo-tagged and sorted 
  2. These images are then uploaded to Flickr for offsite backup
  3. Then transferred to an external hard drive in the Archives section under the  2024-10 folder

In the past, I was negligent with my works but have slowly and painstakingly managed to create an effective backup system. It’s not flawless, but it’s better than having data scattered all over the place. 

I like reading e-mails as much as I do in the comments section. Let's chat! hello@

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