
About a month ago, I was reminded that November is approaching and to sign up again for NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month.) Do I really want to dedicate an entire month to cranking out the minimum requirement of 50,000 words for that month? Having bouts of inspiration for the past year seemed to encourage me to go ahead and register again

Two days out from the start of the event and all is quiet on their website, almost a ghost town. After researching this, I discovered the organization has a few scandalous issues coming from it, so I decided I was done with NANOWRIMO forever. Well, still encouraged by those inspirational bouts, I have decided to press on next month, but go my own way.

I have christened this challenge as “Novembook.” A thirty-day challenge to myself to write a 30,000 word draft for the new novel. That is 1,000 words a day, and more realistic than that organization’s 50,000 standard.

I know the title is cheesy, but it was better than “Novelmber”. Reminds me of my 31-day blog posting for the month of “Blaugust.” That was a fun, successful challenge!

Why do I do this to myself? Because I lack discipline and require prompts to keep it going. Not to mention, time and opportunity is running out, and this book won’t write itself.

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