Sweet Emotion* 

Music has an incredible ability to enhance my emotions, particularly genres like classical, blues, and jazz. I know, I know. This is not a unique experience, but this is my website and my turn to write on the matter.

Here’s why these styles have such an impact:

Each genre has histories that resonate. Blues and jazz are improvisational, so that allows musicians to express their raw emotions. Each and every note is a feeling being poured out. Classical music is structured and complex. Their intricate compositions engages my brain and forces me to think. The layers of melody, harmony and rhythm creates a powerful emotional experience too. These genres, for me, causes physical reactions too such as chills and maybe even an increased heart rate.

When that saxophone is being put to work by a jazz artist and hits those deep, raunchy notes that crawl up and down my spine to make me smile.

Every time a blues guitarist slows down and holds every note for emphasis, my skin will chill and my heart is tugged.

My brain is actively engaged while picking out individual instruments in an orchestra to listen to its performance and then moving on to the next instrument.

Once again, I am kicking myself for not ever taking a course on music theory or music appreciation. For now I will take solace and inspiration while pure jazz is being played through the speakers behind me after midnight.

* with apologies to Aerosmith

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