
Back in December I was pondering whether or not I wanted to go back to Flickr after extinguishing my account back in 2019. After shutting down my photography website due to various reasons, including a lack of interest from anyone but myself, I need somewhere to store/display/backup my images.

Since 2004, Flickr has stuck it out as a platform and I was with them for 15 years. Now with their own changes and growth, I can see myself starting up a brand new, unlimited Flickr Pro account and upload decades worth of images. But, that will have to wait until funds are available. Once that happens, I am all in on Flickr again.

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Chris Written by:

One Comment

  1. […] to add images to posts. I want this site and the database to be lightweight and streamlined. In the near future, I will add blog-related images to a specific Flickr folder designated “Website Images” […]

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