Finger Painting

The glass tablet in my hand is not just a consumption device but also a creative one. I am limited in talent and funds to explore creating art with a physical canvas and physical globs of paint. And so in their place I am using technology to augment my creative practice.

To put it simply- sometimes I “paint” on my iPad. I’d say half of them are made with an Apple Pencil stylus and the other half by scrolling a finger over the glass. Finger painting minus the mess!

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  1. Regina Rice
    June 10, 2024

    LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! There are more than a few of these finger painted creations that I would print off on canvas! I especially enjoy the two orange and black ones! So good!

    • June 10, 2024

      Thank you! If you want to play digitally, the app is called ProCreate. It’ll allow you to break in that new Apple Pencil of yours 😉

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