Yes! The new e-reader is here and by the looks of it, everything I wanted. I purchased a book from the Kobo bookstore that has been on hold at the library for 27 weeks (half a year!) and got it for 50% cheaper than Amazon. In case you are wondering, the cat is a sarcastic metaphor1
I was able to synchronize the reader to my Pocket “read-it-later” account so any article from the web I want to save for later can be synced to the device.
Successfully added .txt documents, .pdf books and installed .epub books from a variety of sources like Gutenberg Press, Standard E-books and Global Grey Ebooks all titles are generally classics and in the public domain.
The ability to highlight text and make notations was great as those sync to my personal FoxOS database for references. W00t!

- “In a dog-eat-dog world, be a cat instead”
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