Judging Book Covers

Meandering through a bookstore is inspirational to me. The thrill of discovering a new title can lead someone down a large literary rabbit hole. But there is something to be said about browsing the eye-catching cover art. Sometimes the cover is the best part of a book. when other times, a profound cover can make or break a book sale. 

I find that the more artistic, brilliantly designed titles are the ones who have been well written, whereas if the artwork looks cheap, than the book is a bomb. Over the decades it gets easer to discern. See for yourself. 

While perusing the bookshelves I began to notice different patterns of artwork on the covers and snapped a few, knowing I would probably never read them. I also get into a habit where i snap book covers to remember which ones I want to read in the near future.

Side note: It was great while it lasted but the free access to the Brooklyn Library membership has expired. Thanks to my intrepid mother who discovered options to temporarily add other library systems so I now have access to the Houston, San Jose and Tulsa public libraries.

Side note II: This article was originally published on 2023/10/09 from my old website.

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