In previous post I’ve shown a Field Notes notebook in the photo which was the inspiration for this webpage. The analog notebook is used to document and organize my film notes such as dates, film used, ISO, and the event the film roll is used for. 


“7/15-7/25 Kodak Ektar H35 camera. Ilford HP5+ B&W 35mm film. 36 exposures at 1/2 frame yielding 72 exposures. Black & White night shots and urban photography.”

Other practical applications for the field notes book will include lands well-scaped, a portable Dorian Gray, drawings drawn, erased and redrawn, camera obscura, sunsets witnessed, Polaroids shaken, urban canvassing strategies, concentric thoughts, personalized personalizations, portraits of personable persons, found objects, lost objects, broken things, beautiful things, ephemeral ephemera, scenic scenery, collected collections, eclectic electric expressions, memorable memories, and a whole lot of shitty captures meant to pass off as art. 

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