The Blog Is Best

It is widely accepted that the first blog, or web log, was created twenty-five years ago. A lot has changed over the years, but of course, the blog is still the best way to express yourself on the World Wide Web.

Forget Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok. You may build up a big following, but those platforms can make you and the content you created disappear. What do you have to show for it? Nothing. There is zero control. You may earn some kickback from these platforms, but you are still their slave working on their land.

Here, on your website, on your land, you are in charge. No censorship, no algorithms, no advertising and the ability to connect with genuine people.

The thoughts, photographs, art, music that you share on your website do not have metrics tied to them in an attempt to place value on them. When I post a photograph, I do it for me. I don’t need 1000 generic heart emojis inflating the ego. Thumbs-up emoji is worthless to me if you are scrolling a feed and approving other’s work as well.

The Blog

Much like electronic mail, and text messaging, the blog has been around longer than any other www platform. The blog is a pillar and a foundation for the internet as we know it. The blog is the penultimate method for publishing and sharing whatever you want. The barriers have been broken down, so everyone with a connection can create their own home page. There are paid and there are “free” options, you can post from a mobile device or a desktop computer. Share your words, videos, music and more instantaneously.

Set up your own home page as soon as possible, send me the hyperlink, so I can follow along if I want to. Build on your own land, then provide your hyperlink to others, then alert them that you are deleting your social media accounts. Happy blogging.

I like reading e-mails as much as I do in the comments section. Let's chat! hello@

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