This pandemic is killing my desire to create, especially with my photography. There is still a desire and capability but the people and subjects I want to work with just aren’t available at the moment. Portraits require people and people right now are hesitant out of caution. Landscape photography requires access and access is scarce thanks to shut-downs.
No, I won’t be finding inspiration in the same old formulaic suggestions that people like to write about “what to do when in a creative slump.”
Look for inspiration in art! Go on a photowalk! Shoot a day in the life or still life! Read your manual, clean your gear, photograph loved one and pets! Enough We’ve been reading that since the early age of the internet.
I especially miss the social aspect of meeting up with other photographers to talk, share, learn and grow from. There is nothing like having a beer with friends while talking shop and then headed out to capture images together.
In the meantime, I suppose capturing images of flowers from twenty different angles will have to suffice.
I know what you mean when you’re tired of hearing the same blanket advice over and over again. There is a difference between getting out there and getting in the right mindset. I often go through long periods where I just don’t have that spark I need to get back at it.
I can relate to shooting the flowers from twenty different angles as well. I’ve shot so many photos of my animals that I’m sure my friends and family are sick of it.
Let me know how you break the slump.
Tobias, that is an excellent way of stating the situation “getting out vs right mindset.” Thank you for following along as well.
[…] Taking advantage of doing a few portraits has been slowly kindling that desire to go out and shoot this past month. I also traveled out of state to capture some fall foliage […]
[…] is one of the reasons why I feel like my photography has been stagnating lately? Does this explain my slump? Now I have something new to […]