On 2/2 I began my year-long journey to create life long habits for myself and throw in some fun intentions as well. The plan is to check in every month to monitor my progress. How did I do since my last check-in on 6/6?
Nutrition & Training
Major updates and improvements here. Almost two weeks ago I decided to try the keto diet and am pleased with the results so far. As of 7/6, I am down 10 pounds in 10 days! I feel better and thanks to a compliment from Mom, look better too (less puffy.)
I also joined the YMCA downtown. The idea being pure conveneince and limited excuses. Looking forward to the planned schedule of 5 am workouts and then walk to the office but of course, Mr. COVID wants to shit on that plan. So now I will go after work instead.
Yoga & Meditation
Sworkit and Headspace are my go-to trainers for now. Looking forward to attending some yoga classes at the Y but haven’t mustered up the courage for it yet (and why not??)
Photography & Writing
Photography- I haven’t touched the archives in two months. I think I burned myself out more than halfway through the project. Must get back on track.
Writing- Other than the blog and personal journal? Nothing. I have been doing a lot of reading and research, however, as well as invested in new (to me) software tools called IA Writer and Scrivener. IA Writer is a minimal, distraction-free word processor. Scrivener is a writer’s organizer that has a lot of tools needed to organize my research, mind-mapping, and writing. More time needs to be had to explore the features before I am able to use it properly, but that is always one of the best parts of discovering new tools.

The work-from-home situation could go on until at least September and this affects my creativity more than I thought. I am seeking ways to get through this but it isn’t ideal. I am looking for a new desk and bookcase. Simple, minimal, elegant. Like so:

As always, I see some progress, see some room to do better, and hope that next month’s check-in will be better than the last!
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