Coping Mechanism

I am proud to know people who are blessed with common sense and intelligence and I am even proud to know others who are fearful, anxious and nervous. This globe-trotting virus is crazy and is causing a lot of fear, anxiety and nervousness.

The usual ways most people cope aren’t working right now. We can’t procrastinate or avoid this. We can’t ignore it. We do not have control, we can’t quit this, we can’t lash out (we can, but to no good), the same goes for worrying about it. The sooner we throw all of these feelings out the better.

I can flip out or I can be more mindful and meditate. Meditation is not a cure all but it can help anxiousness and frustration.

I’ve been selfish. The freedom to do and go as I please was not fully appreciated until safety restrictions were enforced. I need to start embracing these constraints. I spent this past winter embracing the quiet times, to read, write, organize my thoughts and even sleep better. I can continue these things a while longer. But as a social extrovert who thrives being outdoors and travel, this isn’t easy. I can be bitter that my upcoming southwest adventures are postponed or I can be mindful and productive.

I’m choosing the latter.

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