
Weeks ago, we were living on the greatest planet in the known universe but now we are living in quarantine for our own good and are living with constraints instead. We are learning that constraints can be beneficial. It is maddening to be restricted in such a way but again, maybe it’s for the best.

We are learning how to adapt how we work, play and rest. I’d like to add that we need constraints on media consumption. Less news, less screens. We need to be embracing these constraints and explore our creativity. Learn to be creative with what we have in the pantry, play with the toys we already have instead of wanting what we don’t have, and look for that bright side.

Sure, I am angry and frustrated at these constraints at first but I will adapt. I am adapting, slowly, but not easily. I have to learn how to vent this frustration in a more creative manner. Why don’t I embrace the improving weather and kick a ball around? Preferably kicked hard against a solid surface. Curate music playlists based on improving moods, read that novel. There are still trails to explore, parks to walk.

When the situation returns to some sense of normalcy we should find ourselves better for it and continue to enjoy this time we have left.

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