Have A Drink

I’ve always said that I am too young to drink coffee because growing up, only old people drank coffee. Now even children are doing it. My own child loves that Starbucks crap. I still don’t drink coffee and I’ll probably will never understand how it “fuels” people to be more productive.

I prefer the taste of whiskey, bourbon and scotch.

I can nurse at least an hour on two fingers worth of drink just by sitting, sipping, thinking and scheming. The process can even be considered as meditative.

This past week I’ve introduced a tobacco pipe into the process. This is backed up by Sherlock Holmes novels: “It is quite a three pipe problem, and I beg that you won’t speak to me for fifty minutes.” Meaning he’d sit, smoke and work out solutions in that time.

This is my preferred method for working out issues or to even warm up and relax on these grey, cold days of winter. Just have a drink.

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