
I’m on a photography hiatus for a bit but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about it. Now that I am off of FaceGram I will be focused on this web site and my photography website again (plog??)

I’m loving this idea more and more because:

  • I won’t have to look at ads
  • I won’t spam you with ads
  • My data and images aren’t being analyzed and mined for someone else’s benefit
  • It’ll be my platform, my content. Not someone else’s algorithm

If you are a creator I’d suggest putting the focus off of them and more on you and your work. I really do believe that the focus off of social media and to our own personal corners of the web are making a comeback.

Having said that, you can still catch me on these great sites. I’ll be redesigning them as well.

Website | VSCO | Smugmug | EyeEm | Flickr |

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