Mental Challenge

My brain is constantly seeking input. I enjoy taking tech news and hacks to implement it into my life. It isn’t a fear of missing out (FOMO) that seems to be the case with most people.

In order to prove that to myself, I look for chances to expand my brain and learn.

The problem is maintaining that focus. I’ll blame the distractions but it probably isn’t true.  If I come across something that stumps me, I’ll set it aside and eventually get back to it. By then, I am starting from scratch again.

For now, I have signed up for a self-help track on web design fundamentals using the Code Academy website. All web-based, this and other courses allow someone to learn step by step and can see the results on the same page. Brilliant.

Moving on. If you know me then you know I read. A lot. I’m thinking that most of what I read is for entertainment purposes and not educational. Do I need both? Can I have both?

As a Linux user, I have scratched the surface of using the operating system. I want to get down to the kernel of it and challenge myself to learn the command line instead of relying on a graphical user interface.

I will work it out enough to host my websites and email server.

Turning off the online streaming video would help too.

Ok, go.

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