Digital Moderation

You know what I learned from my one week digital cleanse?


After a self-mandated abstinence from digital media I had almost 1000 blog feed posts waiting for me. 5,000 tweets and numerous G+ posts.

I redeemed my time by reading physical books, right-sizing the material stuff I own and dabbling into PhP, MySQL and Apache server systems.

So great was the temptation to consume media that I had to bury the pervasive Google apps in a folder deep down to the kernel.

I used Firefox for a week because Chrome has those tempting apps built in.

From here on out, I will moderate and limit my intake.

Check the feeds once a day. Check email twice a day.

Now it is time to declare digital bankruptcy and clear the notifications and alerts and the feeds. Starting from zero…now.

Thanks for reading! If you want to follow along, consider subscribing to the RSS feed?

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