Denbow The Daring


Way back in 1983 I was a wee lad who lost a lot of quarters at the video arcade and especially to the game depicted above, Dragon’s Lair. As valiant knight Dirk the Daring, your noble but precarious quest is to rescue the beautiful Princess Daphne from the lair of Singe, a fire-breathing dragon who lurks in the foreboding castle of an evil wizard. DL was twenty years ahead of anything else and was also the most challenging video game.

I am happy to report to everyone else my age that you can now play this on your iPhone/Touch for only $5 (iTunes store link). Heck, I spent that much for the game within thirty minutes. Nowadays I am not a gamer, having outgrown such wastes of time and money. I am however looking forward to getting past the first level finally.

Merry Christmas to me!

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