Can I Have A Moment Of Your Time…?

the hard sell

As our economy falters it never fails that the get-rich-quick hucksters come out of the woodwork. I know that sales people work hard and it is a talent, but when people are being taken advantage of, just don’t. okay? Greedy and immoral people are a huge reason why the economy sucks to begin with.

Infomercials, experts with their “proven systems”, diet book authors, gold buyers, pyramid schemers, payday loaners, investment opportunists, check cashers, department store credit card sales people, financial consultants and extended car warranty scammers are all guilty of this.

I’m sure you have noticed a trend where strangers approach you at the most unlikely locations and want to discuss their schemes um, business opportunities. They will attempt to humor you, find something out about yourself, flatter and then talk all about themselves and why they are doing this. for you. Not for them of course. I’ve been approached by these people, twice in bookstores and one at a restaurant. WonderWife was approached by a guy at the grocery store just this week.

My friends, please don’t give these people a way into your brain. Kindly rebuff their unwanted advances. Don’t make an excuse, give them a good reason. Not interested.

Hucksters: we don’t want any of what you are selling.

Do you have a similar experience with these people? Did you get taken in by a pro? Share them in our comments!

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