Freelance Or Entrepreneur?

Motion Blur with Fish eye

In order to adjust my focus I need to determine what is ahead of me. Do I want to be a freelance photographer or do I want to be an entrepreneur and run my own business?

I’d like some insights from both parties to see how you’ve overcome the challenges of both.

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  1. elenamcbride
    October 20, 2009

    As an entrepreneur, you'd run your own photo business, right? Being your own business, you can do the kind of photography you want to do and pick the customers you want rather than picking up freelance work (which I would think you could still do…). I'm working on getting my own business going, and I've always had in my mind that I would have a computer fixit biz, but as I've done a few calls for training (esp. older people) and setting up new computers (taking files/settings from the old one and moving those over), I've determined that I like enjoy that type of work more than the repair work. So in future advertising, I am going to slant in that direction to hopefully pick up more of that type of client. I've also been thinking about contacting some retirement homes (with active seniors) to see about doing some sort of classes there that may lead to additional business. For some reason I have a lot of patience when teaching the older people so I am running with it!Best of luck with your decision – there are so many considerations!Elena McB

  2. elenamcbride
    October 20, 2009

    As an entrepreneur, you'd run your own photo business, right? Being your own business, you can do the kind of photography you want to do and pick the customers you want rather than picking up freelance work (which I would think you could still do…). I'm working on getting my own business going, and I've always had in my mind that I would have a computer fixit biz, but as I've done a few calls for training (esp. older people) and setting up new computers (taking files/settings from the old one and moving those over), I've determined that I like enjoy that type of work more than the repair work. So in future advertising, I am going to slant in that direction to hopefully pick up more of that type of client. I've also been thinking about contacting some retirement homes (with active seniors) to see about doing some sort of classes there that may lead to additional business. For some reason I have a lot of patience when teaching the older people so I am running with it!
    Best of luck with your decision – there are so many considerations!
    Elena McB

  3. October 20, 2009

    Chris – I have never been a freelancer mainly as I am not really good at one thing. So I can only speak from the entrepreneur side of things. What I noticed in starting to put things together was that there were alot of people who would love to freelance and just needed that one person to guide them as a entrepreneur. This allowed me to take on more business (instead of just me doing it all) which in turn creates growth. If you are wanting to just be you and handle just as much load as you are willing to take on – then I would advise the free lance course. But if you want to build upon your hard work and expand then going the route of entrepreneur is the best way IMHO.

  4. October 20, 2009

    Chris – I have never been a freelancer mainly as I am not really good at one thing. So I can only speak from the entrepreneur side of things.

    What I noticed in starting to put things together was that there were alot of people who would love to freelance and just needed that one person to guide them as a entrepreneur. This allowed me to take on more business (instead of just me doing it all) which in turn creates growth.

    If you are wanting to just be you and handle just as much load as you are willing to take on – then I would advise the free lance course. But if you want to build upon your hard work and expand then going the route of entrepreneur is the best way IMHO.

  5. October 21, 2009

    I cannot think of anyone else more qualified with personal computer support for individuals. I like the idea of tackling senior citizen's needs, too. I'm sure you will do very well for yourself. Thanks, Elena…

  6. October 20, 2009

    I cannot think of anyone else more qualified with personal computer support for individuals. I like the idea of tackling senior citizen's needs, too. I'm sure you will do very well for yourself. Thanks, Elena…

  7. October 21, 2009

    I'm still on the fence because I have a lot to learn. I'm also running out of excuses to go it alone. I need to work on selling myself before I can sell my services. As an entrepreneur, I'd be interested in how you carve out time from work, family, etc and then your own business. Thanks, Jeff!

  8. October 20, 2009

    I'm still on the fence because I have a lot to learn. I'm also running out of excuses to go it alone. I need to work on selling myself before I can sell my services. As an entrepreneur, I'd be interested in how you carve out time from work, family, etc and then your own business.

    Thanks, Jeff!

  9. October 21, 2009

    This sounds kind of corny but I schedule everything. I place time on my calendar for just about everything I do in the week. Meeting, Family, Doctor Appt, Client Meeting, whatever the case maybe I have it all tied into one calendar that I (and my wife) can see. This allows me to no exactly what I have time for and what I do not have time for. It also keeps me at places I want to be (i.e. bed time every night for my daughter). Now obviously you have to make sacrifice at times and events are missed or meetings are rescheduled but it keeps everything balanced.

  10. October 21, 2009

    This sounds kind of corny but I schedule everything. I place time on my calendar for just about everything I do in the week. Meeting, Family, Doctor Appt, Client Meeting, whatever the case maybe I have it all tied into one calendar that I (and my wife) can see.

    This allows me to no exactly what I have time for and what I do not have time for. It also keeps me at places I want to be (i.e. bed time every night for my daughter).

    Now obviously you have to make sacrifice at times and events are missed or meetings are rescheduled but it keeps everything balanced.

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