Focus (Or Lack Of)


Change is inevitable, right? It is how we respond to the changes that helps define us. When looking at myself lately, I don’t like the definition or the response. I’ve lost my focus and my path recently and I want it back. There are various reasons for this lack of application.

I identified some of the perpetual culprits such as neglecting my fitness and nutrition. My sleep schedule sucks and I’ve allowed too many outside distractions in. I’m well aware that these can be put back on track when I discipline myself. If I am honest with myself then I have to admit that there are other issues that are distracting my focus.

My sleep schedule as I mentioned earlier just plain sucks. I am mentally restless as I am constantly trying to find new stimulus. I’m not even looking for anything in particular. Sometimes I am trying to find a muse or new productivity workflows. Other occasions I am trying to find outside income. I look for these things until my brain catches up to my body and collapses.

Sometimes my plans need to go back to the drawing board because they were never fully thought out. The rest of them are stalled due to uncertainty. I can’t see clearly enough to execute. 

On the other side of this is the fact that when I do sit down to work on a plan I go blank. I cannot process what I have studied and apply it.

No, I do not have an attention disorder.

I simply must order my attention on the specific task at hand as opposed to multi-task. There has to be a distinction between work projects and personal projects. I am guilty of combining the two if it will help (apparently it isn’t).

Tomorrow I will focus my attention on what matters and how to prioritize this.

Because my focus is fuzzy, I may need another set of eyes and your opinions/solutions to rectify this. How have you resolved this issue? Are you struggling with maintaining your focus?

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  1. sarahhubbell
    October 20, 2009

    Working from a home office 1000 miles from the rest of my colleagues does contribute to my sometimes losing my focus. I get bored, restless, aimless…As an extreme extrovert I feed off the energy of interacting with people, and working from home doesn't really provide that. Last week I was fortunate enough to cram a year's worth of face-to-face interactions with my colleagues, customers and industry friends into a short week at our annual convention in Orlando. I have found that my MOST focused, productive time is not before, not during the week, but on the plane ride home. THAT is when I go over the week's events and become the MOST creative, and if I don't start scribbling it down on paper I will lose it before the plane hits the runway. Then I transcribe my ideas, my action plan, and send it off to my colleagues. Also? Prayer and worship, especially when I'm home alone, really can help me focus. So those are the things that work for me.

  2. sarahhubbell
    October 19, 2009

    Working from a home office 1000 miles from the rest of my colleagues does contribute to my sometimes losing my focus. I get bored, restless, aimless…
    As an extreme extrovert I feed off the energy of interacting with people, and working from home doesn't really provide that. Last week I was fortunate enough to cram a year's worth of face-to-face interactions with my colleagues, customers and industry friends into a short week at our annual convention in Orlando. I have found that my MOST focused, productive time is not before, not during the week, but on the plane ride home. THAT is when I go over the week's events and become the MOST creative, and if I don't start scribbling it down on paper I will lose it before the plane hits the runway. Then I transcribe my ideas, my action plan, and send it off to my colleagues.

    Also? Prayer and worship, especially when I'm home alone, really can help me focus. So those are the things that work for me.

  3. October 20, 2009

    I can see where that would be useful, Sarah. What happens after that initial rush of focused productivity wears off? The distractions are numerous when we work from home with children!Thanks for sharing…

  4. October 20, 2009

    I can see where that would be useful, Sarah. What happens after that initial rush of focused productivity wears off? The distractions are numerous when we work from home with children!

    Thanks for sharing…

  5. Kate DeSare Brooks
    October 21, 2009

    i think we all struggle with the same problems, it is how we see what is going on in our lives. You have to use those things that distract you and turn that into positive energy. We are all restless, I should be asleep right now and here I am. Everyday we start over with new choices, we just have to make them count.

  6. Kate DeSare Brooks
    October 20, 2009

    i think we all struggle with the same problems, it is how we see what is going on in our lives. You have to use those things that distract you and turn that into positive energy. We are all restless, I should be asleep right now and here I am. Everyday we start over with new choices, we just have to make them count.

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