Terrific Two

DVD Is Almost 2 Years Old!


Today we celebrate the day you came into our lives. After so many years of waiting for you, you have certainly exceeded my expectations. You are the perfect blend of your mother and I. You have your mom’s beauty and creativity. You have my active lifestyle and social skills. Right about this time you are expressing yourself in ways that remind me of myself. This is both a source of pride and concern for me.

I love your independence, your sense of discovery & exploration. You love analyzing how things work and then quickly mess it up and start over again.

It makes me happy when you are dependent on me too. For all the times you say “Uh-oh” or get a little scared, you can trust I will be close by. I’m always happy to help with what you need.

I appreciate your affection. For every hug and kiss we share that just makes my day better. The way you hold my hand when we walk or pat my back when I hold you brings a smile to my face. I look forward to coming home just so I can see you race to my arms and yell “Da-da” at the top of your lungs.

Happy birthday, baby. I love you.

– Daddy

Welcome To Our World!Daph & Daddy

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