My Day


First of all, I would like to thank my WonderWife and Daphne for making this possible. I would not be a father if it were not for them. Jenny & I went almost twelve years together without a child and I cannot tell you how much she was worth waiting for.

Daphne reminds me of myself in almost every way. Energetic, social, rambunctious and a free spirit. Even as I type this the little girl is in her crib crying her head off because she is like her father. There is too much to do and so much energy to be spent on anything else besides sleeping. She can also be very moody and display an attitude when something happens that she disagrees with.

She is very playful and daring. She doesn’t scare easily. Her new favorite act is twirling until she is dizzy, which is nothing new for toddlers except she does this all while balancing herself on my stomach.

If you cannot tell, I am very proud of my daughter and love her very much. My hope is that she will have no doubts of this as long as I live. Thank you, Daphne.

Love, Daddy

Big Fish Little FishPolka Dot Waitress (Re-edit)

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