Can You Hear Me Now?

I love micro blogging (Twitter) and instant messaging but sometimes conversations need to be had with voice and video to put into context what is being communicated. Let me share these tools with you so we can communicate just a wee bit better.

Skype- If you use Skype then you know that voice/video calling to other Skype members are free. You can also buy time and call mobile/land line phones as well. Add me to your contact list (mojodenbow) or click the button below to call me!

  Skype Me™! Snapshot of me 1 Skype vid

Google Voice– Formerly known as Grand Central, this product supplies you with a unique telephone number that can be used anywhere. The beauty of this tool allows you to screen calls or to get voicemail into your inbox. You can play the message from your inbox. Supposedly very soon this will be integrated with your GMail account. Awesome.

 Skydeck– A new mobile tool that I use with Google Voice. Skydeck will offer me a written transcript of what callers are saying that is sent to my GVoice inbox. It helps if the caller enunciates clearly!

A recent sample:

hey there this is chris justin (just doing a) little test of skied deck(SkyDeck) and doable (Google) voice and hopefully this is the fifth house on the fourteen test talk to you later.


Dial2Do- I love this mobile app. Sign up for free, register your programs such as Twitter, Tumblr, WordPress, GMail, Evernote and much much more. Dial the number they provide you and get things done. Need to leave a note for yourself? Call your assigned number, say “Evernote” and leave a voice note. Send an email or SMS text message with your voice. Write a blog post, add a date to your calendar and even add a tweet to Twitter.

I’m always looking for the next/best web, voice and mobile applications. If you know of tools we can use, add them to the comments, won’t you?

* This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus


I like reading e-mails as much as I do in the comments section. Let's chat! hello@

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