Road Trippin

Bluebonnets (3 of 4)

daddy’s little blue belle

Wonderwife, DVD and I jumped into our car for a quick day trip to Brenham, Texas and back today. It took us about an hour and a half to get out of Katy (just west of Houston) thanks to a donut stop and a department store. The store visit was promptly after opening an over-pressurized chocolate milk bottle.

Just before reaching Sealy, Texas we pulled off to visit Stephen Austin’s memorial site and state park near San Felipe. Little DVD romped and played through the area and bluebonnet fields. This was one of the main reasons for the trip was to capture the mandatory bluebonnet portraits.

After sampling some BBQ beef brisket in Sealy, we headed north to Brenham and the Blue Bell creamery. Of course the best part of any tour is a sampling of the manufactured goods and this was no different. Once 3 scoops of ice cream had been devoured, we went back to a field covered in Texas’ state flower for another photo session. By this time the very patient, fun-loving girl had been away from home for too long and Wonderwife was chewed on by a few ants. So we grabbed a few shots and made our way back to the house in Katy.

BluebonnetsBluebonnets (2 of 4)

Girl and Cow

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