Laid Off From Your Job? Now What?

Pondering Greatness

In this crazy economy where businesses are tightening their budgets and preparing for lean times, there will be the inevitable job cuts. Unemployment figures from the Department of Labor show a slow trend of lost jobs in almost every industry. Will this happen to you? Have you seen these cut backs already?

So what can someone do who has recently found themselves with some unexpected free time? Plenty. Now is the time to take charge of yourself. You have been performing as your employer has demanded but it is time to do what you want and need to do. Take advantage of this!

  1. Re-vamp your Resume Hey, thanks Captain Obvious! No, seriously. Update your resume, get a new, clean format. If you haven’t already, be sure to add yourself to LinkedIn and network. Update your profiles here and in Facebook/MySpace too.
  2. Find Some Contract Work This can help you stay current as well as bring in some cash. HR reps will want to know why there is a potential 3 month gap in your work history. and have plenty of employers looking for contractors.
  3. Up Your Skill Sets This includes not only your soft skills, but your technical knowledge as well. Know HTML? Great, now on to CSS, PhP, whatever.
  4. Learn Something New Does this include going back to school to get that new degree? A lot of people at this point may consider a career change. Not to be taken lightly.
  5. Vacate Your Premises Now you have the opportunity to get away from it all. Leave your worries behind for a bit. Reboot your brain by refreshing your surroundings. Either take the family away for awhile or go it alone for the weekend.
  6. Expose Yourself Please do not make the mistake of holing yourself inside your house, surfing the web, watching infomercials at 2AM and not shaving for two weeks. Get out and attend a seminar with like-minded people. Meetups are a great way to feel better, even if you don’t feel like it.
  7. Donate Your Time How many organizations & causes could use some of your valuable investment of service? It is true that by giving of yourself, you will be rewarded. This is one of the best ways to stay positive. Find a cause you can believe in and contribute!
  8. Get A Hobby “I never have enough time to do _________ like I’ve always wanted.’ Well, guess what!
  9. UnPlugged As a technical professional, you are probably plugged in just about as much as the rest of us. Time to cut the cord, put away the gadgets, turn it off, and walk away. Breathe. You can do this…
  10. Work It Out Gained a few pounds in that chair behind that desk, have we? No sweat. Actually, go ahead and sweat. Future employers will be sure to size you up by your resume and your appearance.

Got any other suggestions? I’d love to see them. How many of us could benefit from your advice? Please add them to the comments and let us carry on the conversation!

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Chris Written by:


  1. January 19, 2009

    Definitely some good advice! I would also invite your readers to put themselves online using (a local Houston company with over 23,000 users). Our users tell us that it's a great tool to let hiring managers and recruiters see all their info in a single, easy to read, job-search focused place.

  2. January 19, 2009

    Definitely some good advice! I would also invite your readers to put themselves online using (a local Houston company with over 23,000 users). Our users tell us that it's a great tool to let hiring managers and recruiters see all their info in a single, easy to read, job-search focused place.

  3. January 22, 2009

    Hi there Brian, thanks for stopping by and adding your comment. My space is your space to sell your ideas (Not Your Products Or Services)

  4. January 21, 2009

    Hi there Brian, thanks for stopping by and adding your comment. My space is your space to sell your ideas (Not Your Products Or Services)

  5. stooeyJ
    January 28, 2009

    I was in the office awaiting my new laptop computer to be delivered from Fedx but It never came. I checked with Fedx and it was delivered but it disappeared from mailroom. During this search to find out where it was, I was informed that I was being laid off. I have not been allowed back in the business to search form my laptop. Crap! I have been looking for work for weeks now but have only been able to find stupid jobs like janitorial jobs. Crap again!

  6. stooeyJ
    January 28, 2009

    I was in the office awaiting my new laptop computer to be delivered from Fedx but It never came. I checked with Fedx and it was delivered but it disappeared from mailroom. During this search to find out where it was, I was informed that I was being laid off. I have not been allowed back in the business to search form my laptop. Crap! I have been looking for work for weeks now but have only been able to find stupid jobs like janitorial jobs. Crap again!

  7. hector reys
    February 4, 2009

    I have been a janitor for the houston schoos for the last 12 years. I just found out that my job had been eliminated. The city is hiring some foreign workers to come in and clean up. The pay minimum wage an d provide no benefits. What are we Americans to do, we need help, nobody cares abot us no more! So far, I have been able to support myself by petty theft and selling some drugs. At least the cartel cares about business.

  8. hector reys
    February 5, 2009

    I have been a janitor for the houston schoos for the last 12 years. I just found out that my job had been eliminated. The city is hiring some foreign workers to come in and clean up. The pay minimum wage an d provide no benefits. What are we Americans to do, we need help, nobody cares abot us no more! So far, I have been able to support myself by petty theft and selling some drugs. At least the cartel cares about business.

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