2008 Was Teh Suck…Hello 2009!

out to get you


2008, upon reflection, was a disastrous year but it will not get me down. After a lay-off 6 months ago, it has been difficult finding a job. The economy taking a long walk off of a short pier didn’t help either. Most corporations have tightened their belts and closed their wallets including layoffs of their own so why hire me?

We moved from Birmingham, Alabama to Houston, Texas in July for job prospects and closer to family. Literally a good move on our part. However, the house in Birmingham is still on the market and sucking away our savings.


I am in charge. Not the economy, nor employers. Neither the winds of fortune. This is all about me and what I will do to not only survive but to become better. I know it sounds like a self-help book in the making but it isn’t.

I am so looking forward to these changes but even though 2009 is a few days away, I am not waiting!

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