Things To Fix Now That I am 36


Call this a self-evaluation or a wish list, but I will call it both. There are all sorts of things that we want to change and here are my desires now that I am a year older and wiser(?)…

Physical– During the pregnancy of our little daughter, I packed on quite a few “sympathy” pounds and never looked back…until now. I saw some photos taken of me this weekend and this needs to be addressed. Fast.

Spiritual- I think we have found a church home but for various reasons are afraid of committing ourselves in case I get a job across town. I shouldn’t allow this to stop me from growth at home.

Mental- Brain stimulus is crucial in longevity. I’m interested in picking up a new hobby that challenges my brain a bit. Learn a programming language? Logic games? Crossword puzzles? Still pondering this one.

Recreational- One of the things I miss after moving from Birmingham to Houston is the topography. There are so many trails and mountains in Bham and I tried to take advantage of these. Now that the terrain is flat and sidewalks are available, I want to get another bicycle. Ride to live. Live to Ride

Social- Tweetups, barcamps, conferences have been instrumental in meeting new people. I plan on soaking up more of these chances.

Financial- In weird economic situations like our current state of affairs here in the U.S., experience tells me that what you think is enough savings really isn’t. Do more of this.

Again, further thought and exploring will be poured into these things.

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