Daddy/Daughter Day

Santa RampageWonderwife and her mother wanted the chance to head to Reliant stadium for some arts & craps boutique thingy today. Well, Daphne and I made it up in our minds that we were not going to go and that was final. However, we ended up doing some Christmas shopping ourselves at the mall.

When we arrived at the mall we were in for a treat. Santa was there riding around on his shiny, red recumbent bike. His jolly smile and wave made Daphne giggle. Not too far behind Santa, we were greeted by a very tall man juggling bowling pins. On second glance, he must have been on stilts because only the Houston Rocket’s Yao Ming is that tall. After the man on stilts, there was a clown juggling the other 5 bowling pins on a unicycle wheeling around our stroller. No idea how he was able to throw candy while juggling but it was neat.

That’s not all! We were buzzed by mall security wearing Santa caps and riding Segways and even an 80-piece marching band playing Christmas favorites! Daphne loves music and was clapping excitedly and waving. The band missed a few notes because they were waving and smiling back. Disney Radio was representing there as well and of course Daphne was dancing with a few Disney reps and got a sticker for her troubles. Santa must have worked off his milk & cookies on that bicycle because we found him later on sitting on his throne and listening to good children’s wishes.

All of that shopping and dancing worked up an appetite in us so we grabbed some food across the parking lot. Daphne was proving that she was a big girl indeed by grabbing the fork out of my hand and dipping it into her fruit bowl to feed herself.

I intended to snap some images of little DVD today but it was way too blustery and chilled. Maybe tomorrow.

Thanks, Daphne!

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  1. Regina Rice
    November 16, 2008

    Sounds like you both enjoyed a most incredible day together!

  2. Regina Rice
    November 16, 2008

    Sounds like you both enjoyed a most incredible day together!

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