
Obama in Birmingham

I’ve mentioned before that this is not a political blog and my voting leans heavily onto the conservative side. I admit I have been disappointed by President Bush II during his second term. Americans needed real leadership and he has failed us. It is time for a change.

  • America’s stature among the globe has been weakened
  • Public enemy #1, Bin Laden has not been found
  • We need more emphasis in mathematics, science and computer sciences education
  • Diplomacy, backed up with force
  • Limited dependence on foreign oil
  • Economic accountability for government, corporations
  • Individual fiscal responsibility


These are things everyone can agree on and support that needs changing. The question is, will the change be for the better? Who knows?

I am disappointed, but not distraught at the election outcome. What really bothers me is the one-party rule that is about to take place in our country. No one political party should control power in the congressional and executive branches. There has to be a balance of ideology and principles.

“Change” and “hope” are fine but right now they are also good intentions. President-elect Obama will need to understand and appreciate the power that has been granted to him.

All Americans- every race, every party, need to hold our leaders accountable. That would be change that I can believe in.


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