Daddy/Daughter DogPile

I love Daddy!!, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind.

Daphne was really rowdy tonight after playing soccer with me in her room tonight. After I took the ball from her she decided to pounce on me to get it back.
The resulting skirmish was more brutal than the high school football dog piles I participated in but more fun. Every time I got the ball back, she’d pounce on me again. Every time she got it back, she’d raise her hands with ball in the air for victory…until I pulled her back into the fray.
The best part was hearing her giggles. Especially while mocking me when dry coughing/laughing.

She just recently turned one and is growing on her maturity. Wow.

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  1. Regina Rice
    September 18, 2008

    This picture of you and Daphne warms my heart and floods my mind with memories of years past. It is a little surreal to to see my grown kid playing with his kid. I can easily imagine this daddy/daughter scenario… Enjoy the memories and fun times this age brings. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Regina Rice
    September 18, 2008

    This picture of you and Daphne warms my heart and floods my mind with memories of years past. It is a little surreal to to see my grown kid playing with his kid. I can easily imagine this daddy/daughter scenario… Enjoy the memories and fun times this age brings. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Regina Rice
    September 17, 2008

    This picture of you and Daphne warms my heart and floods my mind with memories of years past. It is a little surreal to to see my grown kid playing with his kid. I can easily imagine this daddy/daughter scenario… Enjoy the memories and fun times this age brings. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Regina Rice
    September 17, 2008

    This picture of you and Daphne warms my heart and floods my mind with memories of years past. It is a little surreal to to see my grown kid playing with his kid. I can easily imagine this daddy/daughter scenario… Enjoy the memories and fun times this age brings. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Becky
    September 18, 2008

    she looks like she's being so honory there. Her smile is the best. Don't you just love the giggles?!

  6. Becky
    September 18, 2008

    she looks like she's being so honory there. Her smile is the best. Don't you just love the giggles?!

  7. Becky
    September 18, 2008

    she looks like she's being so honory there. Her smile is the best. Don't you just love the giggles?!

  8. Becky
    September 18, 2008

    she looks like she's being so honory there. Her smile is the best. Don't you just love the giggles?!

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