Lets face it, The Mojo Network wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for your readership and participation, I know this and it is encouraging. Heck, it inspires me to keep it up. I won’t quit my day job over it because lets face it, this is one of many hobbies for this enthusiast. So, enough about me for now. What about you?
Here’s your opportunity to share your passions. Want free advertising? Shoot me an email to mojodenbow AT gmail.com with “Me, Me, Me” in the subject line. Add your company name, what you do there, the service it provides, company home page or blog. Your company may be chosen at random to get some free ad space on this site.
Got a project you are working on that needs publicity? Add it to the comments of this article or shoot me an email.
Do you write/maintain a bLog that needs a little link love? Gimme.
Festival coming soon? Shoot me the details and we’ll promote it.
Shameless plugs are welcome.
Have something to say about a product or service mentioned in previous articles? Why not express your opinion in the comments so others can join in on the discussion? Who knows, you may just start a conversation that affects change.
Let’s turn my monologue into a dialogue.
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