Innovation & Adoption

Is it me or is there very little new, creative & innovative web technologies being cranked out lately? There are tons of services with almost all of them mimicking each other and very few standouts such as Flickr, Delicious, WordPress etc. Why are we using 4 different web apps that do the same thing in a different way? We are too spread out. Let us pick one excellent service & stick with it.

Microblogging Examples:

  1. Twitter- mojodenbow
  2. Pownce- mojodenbow
  3. Jaiku- mojodenbow
  4. Brightkite- mojodenbow
  5. Plurk- you guessed it, mojodenbow

At the same time, most of these services have been around for a few years and is finally seen widespread acceptance of people that are not early adopters/users i.e. Twitter, Youtube, Gmail.

So my question is, what is next for we who like to break in the newest and shiniest web toys? What tools do we have in our web toolbox that are used so frequently, they are as common place as email is?

Also, most of these services are free and even offer paid services. Which ones would/do you pay for because they are so invaluable?

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