
Wonderwife had turned on the television to unwind after our moving sale Saturday and stopped the channel flipping on a showing of Pixar’s animated movie, Monsters Inc. What stopped us was the fact that monsters are supposed to scare children and the child on screen (nicknamed Boo) looks VERY similar to our little Daphne when she has her hair in pigtails.

The clincher? Daphne blows raspberries at us, just like Boo does to a monster on screen.

See a resemblance?


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  1. Monica
    June 16, 2008

    HAHA that’s too funny. I can so see it.

  2. Monica
    June 16, 2008

    HAHA that’s too funny. I can so see it.

  3. regina
    June 17, 2008

    How sad that Boo doesn’t have a talented Mom that creates cute and clever hair clippies for her…poor Boo!

  4. regina
    June 17, 2008

    How sad that Boo doesn’t have a talented Mom that creates cute and clever hair clippies for her…poor Boo!

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