The Winds of Change

The Change Agent: Wednesday afternoon was when I found out that I had lost my job. After Daphne was born, Wonderwife & I decided it was best if the girls would stay at home and still feel this is what is best for Daphne. So the weight of the financial stability falls to the Mojo.

I survived a layoff from the same company 2 weeks before Daphne was born and was laid of from a previous job that was moving to El Paso. No thanks.

This solidified our decision to pack our bags and leave Birmingham, Alabama for Houston, Texas. WW has her parents there and Daphne will get to see family often. For the first time in our entire marriage (12 yrs), we will be living in a city with family in it.

The City:

Houston, Texas is a huge town with almost 5 million people and unlimited opportunity. In fact, I am happy to say that I already have a job.


What We Leave Behind: 

I have been in Birmingham for six years and fell in love with it. The surrounding mountains, the nearby destinations, the people is what makes it difficult in leaving. I’ve met a ton of people here in this city that has made my life better & I won’t be able to name them all here. I have grown so much from this network of people who in true Southern style, embraced outsiders and made them feel welcome. Thank you.

Here are a few snippets of well wishes from friends/contacts:

rock & roll mojo!

wow. big news. bham will miss the mojo

What? Wow! Geez. That’s great? I guess? LOL. Surprise, surprise, surprise. I didn’t see that one coming but wish you great luck.

We will miss the anecdotes that only the mojo could bring

But who’s gonna take my pictures from now on??

Congrats… Big change, which is fitting since isn’t everything bigger in texas?

wow! Congrats on your new job! Sucks for Bham though, but good for you. Best of luck!


Moving Out & Moving On

We bought our first home here. We had our first child here (do we classify her as a Southerner or a Texan)? So many numerous occasions and memories to take with us an yet we are happy to leave. It is time to go. Onward & upward. Closer to family and to make new friends while still embracing our current ones. The internet makes this possible.

Our target date is the July 4th weekend so we have about a month left here in the deep south. We look forward to getting the most out of Birmingham while we can.

You stay classy, Birmingham!


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  1. June 11, 2008

    Even though we have not met in person, I feel like I know you already from Twitter. 🙂 Even so, there will be a vacuum here in Birmingham when you leave. I just hope you keep us Birmingham and Trussville twitters on your list.Congratulations on the new job and glad to know you will be with family. That always helps the momma out having extra help. Trust me, I know!!!

  2. June 10, 2008

    Even though we have not met in person, I feel like I know you already from Twitter. 🙂 Even so, there will be a vacuum here in Birmingham when you leave. I just hope you keep us Birmingham and Trussville twitters on your list.

    Congratulations on the new job and glad to know you will be with family. That always helps the momma out having extra help. Trust me, I know!!!

  3. June 19, 2008

    Mojo, hate to see you go, but glad it’s a good move for you and your family. Thanks for being part of Media of Birmingham and all the other social clubs.

  4. June 19, 2008

    Mojo, hate to see you go, but glad it’s a good move for you and your family. Thanks for being part of Media of Birmingham and all the other social clubs.

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