What's In Your Bag?


I tease Wonderwife about her bag obsessions which has blossomed even more since we carry a diaper bag around as well now. I really should be careful after I realized that I too carry a purse. So what kind of baggage does the Mojo carry?


  1. Magellan eXplorist GPS unit
  2. Microsoft wireless mouse
  3. Motorola bluetooth headset
  4. ipod data/charger cable
  5. moble phone data cable/charger
  6. Sony headphones
  7. 30GB video iPod
  8. Leatherman micromini tool
  9. Swiss army knife
  10. Moleskine notebook
  11. Photo Mojo business cards
  12. Flash drive case with 10GB storage total, an SD/miniSD card reader, SD adapter
  13. ATT 8925 Tilt smartphone with Windows Mobile & Office 2007, wifi, camera, video etc
  14. Dell Vostro 1500 and power brick
  15. Flip video camera (not shown)
  16. Nikon D50 w/ 18-55 kit lens (taking picture)

So yeah, I got a lot of crap I carry with me in my man purse. Just everything a mobile professional needs and nothing I don’t. What’s in your wallet?



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